

Using industrial strength stripping chemicals, we carefully hand strip furniture using our flow-over system. Items are wetted with the chemical stripper. The loosened finish is worked and removed by hand.

While a dirty job, skill is required to properly work the finish without damaging the wood. Our chemical process works with both solid and veneer items.

Done properly, veneers will not lift. Joints that are tight before are still tight after stripping.

We also strip painted items, including lead paint. Using specially designed tanks for architectural items, we can efficiently strip house trim, woodwork and doors. Excel Shop has Certified Lead Renovators employees for safe lead paint abatement.

It often costs more than you would spend for the material needed to do-it-yourself. Our process gets the wood much cleaner than home stripping methods & is environmentally friendly.

Our flow-over process allows us to recycle the stripping chemicals. Using filters and solvent recyclers to clean the used stripper, it is reused. Stripping waste is properly disposed of.

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